Hp ssa download windows 64-bit.

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Hp ssa download windows 64-bit -


Copy, alteration, and linkage of the licensed program 1 You may make a copy of the licensed program only to use it as a backup copy in case the program data is lost or destroyed. However, this is not the case if the licensed program is installed in fixed storage. In this case, you may keep it only to use in case the storage medium of the licensed program is lost or destroyed. Transfer of the licensed program 1 You may transfer all of your rights under this user license agreement only if satisfying all the following condition: a You are to transfer this user license agreement, the licensed program, all the copies of the licensed program, and the related documents e.

Decompilation You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the licensed program. Term of a guarantee 1 NEC does not give any guarantee for the licensed program. You are to be liable and to pay for problems arising from the use of the licensed program.

The modification program provided to you is regarded as the licensed program. Hi alli have a Thinkpad laptop with windows 10 installed the shift key isn't working with specific keys, the keys are A,S,D,F,J,K,Lall other keys are working fine with the shift key.

Online Events. Login Join. Spice 4 Reply 7. View all topics. ZebraMike This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

Spice 1 flag Report. OP Matt-Man. Thank you all for your input! That said, I had only found an older document so thank you for that! I did download the SPP per the recommendation.

This is part of why I think it is going to be CLI only. For more information, see "Configure screen on page 19 " or "Diagnostics screen on page Clicking on a server or array controller displays the available actions, alerts, and summary for that device.

You can point to the status alerts to see details on an alert. What's New? The Rescan System button is near the top right of the screen. After adding or removing devices, click Rescan System to update the list of available devices. The Help button is near the top right of the screen. To access help topics, press the H key or click Help. Configure screen To access this screen, click either a device under Configuration in the quick navigation menu, or select an available device from the Home screen, and then click Configure under the available options.

When a controller is selected, the following elements appear: Devices and Tools This panel, at left, displays systems, controllers, arrays, physical devices, unassigned drives, and cache, license and encryption managers. In addition to providing information about the main screens and tabs, Help also provides several useful topics for new users, including the following: Image Legend A visual reference list defining the icons and graphical buttons used in HP SSA "Icon and key stroke legend" on page 17 Keyboard Controls An explanation and list of keyboard functions for navigating the GUI "Icon and key stroke legend" on page 17 Keyboard Shortcuts A list of keys and operations they perform within the GUI To view these help topics and others, press the H key or click Help.

Configuration tasks From the Configure screen, you can perform tasks related to controllers, arrays, physical drives, and logical drives. For certain tasks, the controller must have SAAP activated by a registered license key.

HP SSA lists or omits tasks based on the controller model and configuration. For example, if the selected controller has no unassigned physical drives, Create Array is not an available task. The following table lists all the possible tasks for every type of item. Configuring a controller 1. Open the Configure panel by doing one of the following: o Choose a device and click Configure in the quick navigation menu. The Configure panel appears.

Configure the controller. See "Performing a Configuration task on page When prompted, save the configuration. Do one of the following: o Configure an additional controller. Repeat steps 3 through 5. Open the Configure panel by doing one of the following: o o Choose a device and click Configure in the quick navigation menu. Select an available device from the Home screen, and then click Configure under the available options.

Select a device from the Devices menu. The listed tasks are available for this device in its current configuration. For more information, see "Configuration tasks on page Click a task button. A list of all possible options for that task appears on the right side of the screen, replacing the task list. Select the settings or configuration options for the device. Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate multiple screens of options.

Click Save or OK. Select a controller from the Devices menu. The Actions panel appears. Create a logical drive: 1. Click Create Array. Select the physical drives for the new array. Click Create Logical Drive. Click Finish. Click Save. Rapid Parity Initialization When you create a logical drive, you must initialize the parity using Rapid Parity Initialization. Valid parity data is required to enable enhanced data protection through background surface scan analysis and higher performance write operations.

Two initialization methods are available: Default Initializes parity blocks in the background while the logical drive is available for access by the operating system. A lower RAID level results in faster parity initialization. Rapid Overwrites both the data and parity blocks in the foreground. The logical drive remains invisible and unavailable to the operating system until the parity initialization process completes. RAID level does not affect system performance during rapid initialization.

Rapid Parity Initialization is available only for supported controllers and in arrays composed of supported physical drives. To select the method for parity initialization: 1. Select Arrays from the Devices menu. A list of arrays appears. Select an array, and select Create Logical Drive from the Actions menu. Depending on the controller used and drives selected, your options may appear different from the image below. Click Create Logical Drive to continue. A summary page appears.

SSD Over Provisioning Optimization Solid state devices can be optimized by deallocating all used blocks before any data is written to the drive. The optimization process is performed when the first logical drive in an array is created and when a physical drive is used to replace a failed drive. Not all controllers support this option.

Select Unassigned Drives located under Controller Devices. When finished, click Create Array. The Create Logical Drive window appears. Changing the Spare Activation Mode The spare activation mode feature enables the controller firmware to activate a spare drive under the following conditions: When a data drive reports a predictive failure SMART status When a data drive fails; this mode is the default. In normal operations, and for older controllers, the firmware starts rebuilding a spare drive only when a data drive fails.

With the predictive failure activation mode, rebuilding can begin before the drive fails, reducing the likelihood of data loss that could occur if an additional drive fails.

To change the Spare Activation Mode: 1. From the menu, select one of the following modes: o Failure Spare Activation Operations You can choose from the following options: Dedicated When the failed data drive is replaced, it must be rebuilt from the data on the spare drive. In Dedicated mode, one spare can be dedicated to multiple arrays. Auto-Replace Drives The spare for the failed data drive automatically becomes the replacement data drive. When the spare is replaced, the data drive does not need to be rebuilt.

In Auto-replace mode, spare drives cannot be shared between arrays. To change the Spare Management mode: 1. Select Create Array from the Actions panel. The Array details screen appears. Select a controller, drive type, and physical drives, and click Create Array. Click Create Logical Drive when complete.

Click Manage Spare Drives. Select which drives will operate as spare drives in the array. A confirmation screen appears.

Click Yes to continue. Click Manage Spare Drives to make additional selections, or click Finish. Assign RAID 0 to drives that require large capacity and high speed, but pose no data safety risk. Each array contains one physical drive and one RAID 0 logical drive. Select the controller. A new window appears, confirming RAID 0 configuration. Click Finish to complete. Parallel Surface Scan 1. Select a controller. Click Modify Controller Settings. Click Save Settings. Click Finish to exit. Cache Manager Caching increases database performance by writing data to the cache memory, instead of directly to the logical drives.

Caching can be disabled to reserve the cache module for other logical drives on the array. To configure the controller cache: 1. Select Cache Manager from the Tools menu.


- Hp ssa download windows 64-bit


I did search it and found 0 references to core. I had previously installed SSA ver 3. It does not launch. Nothing happens. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. There are a few older posts I see, but on average, how much e-mail does your e-mail protection block in a day. Just want to get an i Hi team,Since family meetings are coming for Christmas, and even new year and all.

I was wondering something, because I know this question will come up to me and I will literally stutter explaining it. When some new people comes to your life, that are non If you've been active in the Community for a while, you probably come across our Year in Review, a feature that rounds up annual Spiceworks activity and surfaces top content from the last 12 months. In this post, we're sharing what's happened in the Commu HP SSA launches in either a browser or application window v1.

HP SSA then scans the system and detects controllers. Configure a controller "Configuring a controller" on page When configuration is complete, continue with the next step.

Optional To make newly created logical drives available for data storage, use the operating system disk management tools to create partitions and format the drives.

Linux OS 1. From any command prompt, enter one of the following: o o For local mode, enter: hpssa local For remote mode, enter: hpssa start HP SSA launches in a browser window. For a list of options, enter the following: hpssa- h Launching HP SSA on a local server to configure a remote server 1. On the remote server, open the browser. Enter the following text into the address field of the remote browser where servername is the name or IP address of the host : The login screen for the System Management Homepage opens.

Enter your login credentials: o If you are using version or later of the System Management Homepage, use your operating system user name and password. The System Management Homepage opens. HP SSA opens, scans the remote server, and detects controllers.

On the server that you want to configure, connect to the Systems Insight Manager server port: , and then log in. Select Device Queries. Under Device by Type, select All Servers.

The login screen for the System Management Homepage opens. Log in using your credentials: o If you are using version or later of the System Management Homepage, use your operating system user name and password. Optional To make newly created logical drives available for data storage, in a Windows OS, use the operating system disk management tools to create partitions and format the drives. This process can last up to 2 minutes.

After the GUI is open, tasks are distributed among categories. For more information, see "Navigating the GUI on page The following elements are visible: The Smart Storage Administrator quick navigation menu is in the top, left-hand corner of the screen. Clicking the down arrow displays the available devices, and clicking one of the available devices Operations You can also return to a server Home screen, or you can choose Configuration or Diagnostics for a device listed.

For more information, see "Configure screen on page 19 " or "Diagnostics screen on page Clicking on a server or array controller displays the available actions, alerts, and summary for that device. You can point to the status alerts to see details on an alert. What's New? The Rescan System button is near the top right of the screen. After adding or removing devices, click Rescan System to update the list of available devices.

The Help button is near the top right of the screen. To access help topics, press the H key or click Help. Configure screen To access this screen, click either a device under Configuration in the quick navigation menu, or select an available device from the Home screen, and then click Configure under the available options.

When a controller is selected, the following elements appear: Devices and Tools This panel, at left, displays systems, controllers, arrays, physical devices, unassigned drives, and cache, license and encryption managers. In addition to providing information about the main screens and tabs, Help also provides several useful topics for new users, including the following: Image Legend A visual reference list defining the icons and graphical buttons used in HP SSA "Icon and key stroke legend" on page 17 Keyboard Controls An explanation and list of keyboard functions for navigating the GUI "Icon and key stroke legend" on page 17 Keyboard Shortcuts A list of keys and operations they perform within the GUI To view these help topics and others, press the H key or click Help.

Configuration tasks From the Configure screen, you can perform tasks related to controllers, arrays, physical drives, and logical drives. For certain tasks, the controller must have SAAP activated by a registered license key. HP SSA lists or omits tasks based on the controller model and configuration. For example, if the selected controller has no unassigned physical drives, Create Array is not an available task.

The following table lists all the possible tasks for every type of item. Configuring a controller 1. Open the Configure panel by doing one of the following: o Choose a device and click Configure in the quick navigation menu. The Configure panel appears. Configure the controller. See "Performing a Configuration task on page When prompted, save the configuration. Do one of the following: o Configure an additional controller. Repeat steps 3 through 5.

Open the Configure panel by doing one of the following: o o Choose a device and click Configure in the quick navigation menu. Select an available device from the Home screen, and then click Configure under the available options. Select a device from the Devices menu. The listed tasks are available for this device in its current configuration.

For more information, see "Configuration tasks on page Click a task button. A list of all possible options for that task appears on the right side of the screen, replacing the task list. Select the settings or configuration options for the device. Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate multiple screens of options. Click Save or OK. Select a controller from the Devices menu.

The Actions panel appears. Create a logical drive: 1. Click Create Array. Select the physical drives for the new array. Click Create Logical Drive. Click Finish. Click Save. Rapid Parity Initialization When you create a logical drive, you must initialize the parity using Rapid Parity Initialization. Valid parity data is required to enable enhanced data protection through background surface scan analysis and higher performance write operations.

Two initialization methods are available: Default Initializes parity blocks in the background while the logical drive is available for access by the operating system. A lower RAID level results in faster parity initialization. Rapid Overwrites both the data and parity blocks in the foreground.

The logical drive remains invisible and unavailable to the operating system until the parity initialization process completes. RAID level does not affect system performance during rapid initialization.

Rapid Parity Initialization is available only for supported controllers and in arrays composed of supported physical drives. To select the method for parity initialization: 1. Select Arrays from the Devices menu. A list of arrays appears. Select an array, and select Create Logical Drive from the Actions menu. Depending on the controller used and drives selected, your options may appear different from the image below.

Click Create Logical Drive to continue. A summary page appears. SSD Over Provisioning Optimization Solid state devices can be optimized by deallocating all used blocks before any data is written to the drive. The optimization process is performed when the first logical drive in an array is created and when a physical drive is used to replace a failed drive. Not all controllers support this option. Select Unassigned Drives located under Controller Devices.

When finished, click Create Array. The Create Logical Drive window appears. Changing the Spare Activation Mode The spare activation mode feature enables the controller firmware to activate a spare drive under the following conditions: When a data drive reports a predictive failure SMART status When a data drive fails; this mode is the default.

In normal operations, and for older controllers, the firmware starts rebuilding a spare drive only when a data drive fails. With the predictive failure activation mode, rebuilding can begin before the drive fails, reducing the likelihood of data loss that could occur if an additional drive fails. To change the Spare Activation Mode: 1. From the menu, select one of the following modes: o Failure Spare Activation Operations You can choose from the following options: Dedicated When the failed data drive is replaced, it must be rebuilt from the data on the spare drive.

In Dedicated mode, one spare can be dedicated to multiple arrays. Auto-Replace Drives The spare for the failed data drive automatically becomes the replacement data drive. When the spare is replaced, the data drive does not need to be rebuilt. Term 1 This user license agreement goes into effect on the day you receive this software product. You must destroy the licensed program, all the copies of the licensed program, and the related documents e.

Copy, alteration, and linkage of the licensed program 1 You may make a copy of the licensed program only to use it as a backup copy in case the program data is lost or destroyed. However, this is not the case if the licensed program is installed in fixed storage. In this case, you may keep it only to use in case the storage medium of the licensed program is lost or destroyed. Transfer of the licensed program 1 You may transfer all of your rights under this user license agreement only if satisfying all the following condition: a You are to transfer this user license agreement, the licensed program, all the copies of the licensed program, and the related documents e.

Decompilation You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the licensed program. Term of a guarantee 1 NEC does not give any guarantee for the licensed program.

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